
Sunday, April 21, 2013


Delicious is a social bookmarking website. Basically, any time you go on a website, you can add that site to your bookmarks if you don't have the time to look at it right now.

This isn't all that different from your normal browser bookmarks. The biggest differences are these: you can access these bookmarks from any other computer, and you can get recommendations and links from other people who have similar interests.

I've used delicious before, though I ended up switching to other services, and after a while I just stopped using this sort of thing all together. From the bit that I used it again, it reminded me why I didn't like the service: the layout made it hard for me to come back to my original home page. Also: most of the things that interest me I already know about, and anything else I probably just look at reddit or twitter anyway.

After searching some random items, I was able to scrounge up some interesting links that I might return to later, which is the whole point of the exercise. I imagine that as I keep tagging things I come across, the service will be more valuable. This service would be pretty handy in a school environment. I can imagine teachers using it to share things with each other at the school level, or even at the district level. There definitely won't be a need for school-wide emails announcing every single thing you find!

Here is my page.

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