
Tips for New Teachers

Have a Plan

I recommend imagining or writing down what you think a normal day in your classroom will be like. In the morning, you do this subject, then you switch with your partner teacher. Just write down what your day will be like. At this step, start trying to think of what issues might pop up. For example, how do you want students to answer your questions? Do you want them to just shout them out loud? What if one of them breaks their pencil and needs to sharpen it, but you're in the middle of your lesson? Think of those little things, and then try to have a procedure planned for them. Try to think of any little thing like that, and write down how you would handle it. I believe coming in with a battle plan of sorts will save on major organizational headaches later.

Put in time

As a first year teacher, don't expect to leave school early like all the other teachers. Those other teachers have a system down that works for them. They're able to be prepared and go home at a reasonable time. You, as a new teacher, have to invent your own system. What is the best way for you to get prepared? I'm not only talking about submitting lesson plans or making copies. I'm talking about knowing lessons, knowing what you're going to cover. What is the best way for you to get ready? It's something that takes time. It takes trial/error. I know that I personally had a long time when my method was too cumbersome and overlong. It took practice and time before I could streamline it and make it for me. The important thing is time.

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